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Walk in Intervew for Jobs in Portugal

Open Interviews: Your Gateway to Instant Job Opportunities! Our walk-in interview sessions are your quickest path to landing your dream job. We offer daily updates on upcoming interviews for today, tomorrow, and the day after. Please note, if a public holiday coincides with these dates, interviews will be rescheduled for the next working day. Remember to bring all essential documents with you for the interview. Your perfect job awaits
Interviews to be held today or in the next few days
Cabin Boy
Company Name:
Job Location: ROMANIA, Romania
Experience: 2 years
Qualification: Matric | Intermediate | Bachelor |
Note: Medical insurance , Transportation & visa .provided by company
Date: Offer Expiry Date 20/08/2024
for Male / Female Salary is 3300 Leu (RON) there are total 3 Vacancies
Agriculture Worker
Company Name:
Job Location: ALMERIM, Portugal
Experience: Less than 1 Year
Qualification: Matric | Intermediate | Bachelor |
Note: Medical insurance , Transportation & visa .provided by company
Date: Offer Expiry Date 19/07/2024
for Male / Female Salary is 820 Euro (EUR) there are total 150 Vacancies
General Assebly Specialists
Company Name:
Job Location: SERPA, Portugal
Experience: 1 - 2 Years
Note: Visa, Accommodation & other all benefits will provide by company.
for Male / Female Salary is 750 Euro (EUR) there are total 2 Vacancies
Specialized Gas Welders Tig Mig Mma
Company Name:
Job Location: SEPRA, Portugal
Experience: 1 Years
Note: Visa, Accommodation & other all benefits will provide by company.
for Male / Female Salary is 750 Euro (EUR) there are total 2 Vacancies
Mechanical Engineer Production Manager
Company Name:
Job Location: SEPRA, Portugal
Experience: 1 - 2 Years
Note: Visa, Accommodation & other all benefits will provide by company.
Date: interviews going on
for Male / Female Salary is 750 Euro (EUR)
Mechanical Engineer Production Manager
Company Name:
Job Location: SEPRA, Portugal
Experience: 1 - 2 Years
Note: Visa and accommodation will be provided
Date: October 2,2023
for Male / Female Salary is 750 Euro (EUR)
Specialized Steam Boiler Operator
Company Name:
Job Location: AGRICOLAS, Portugal
Experience: 1 - 2 Years
Note: Visa, Accommodation & other all benefits will provide by company.
for Male / Female Salary is 750 Euro (EUR) there are total 5 Vacancies
General Helpers
Company Name:
Job Location: SERPA, Portugal
Experience: 2 years
Qualification: Matric | Intermediate | Bachelor |
Note: Visa and accommodation will be provided
for Male / Female Salary is 750 Euro (EUR) there are total 6 Vacancies
Specialised Machinery Maintenance
Company Name:
Job Location: SERPA, Portugal
Experience: 1 - 2 Years
Note: Visa, Accommodation & other all benefits will provide by company.
for Male / Female Salary is 750 Euro (EUR) there are total 2 Vacancies
Mechanical Engineer Production Manager
Company Name:
Job Location: SEPRA, Portugal
Experience: 1 - 2 Years
Note: Visa, Accommodation & other all benefits will provide by company.
for Male / Female Salary is 750 Euro (EUR)
Company Name:
Job Location: Portugal Europe
Experience: Less than 1 Year
Qualification: Middle | Matric
Note: Visa, Accommodation & other all benefits will provide by company.
for Male / Female Salary is Euro 760 there are total many Vacancies
Agriculture Worker
Company Name:
Job Location: Portugal
Experience: 2 years
Qualification: Middle | Matric
Note: Visa, Accommodation & other all benefits will provide by company.
for Male / Female Salary is 760 Euro there are total 90 Vacancies
Ltv Driver
Company Name:
Job Location: Wawrow, Poland
Experience: 2 years
Qualification: Matric | Intermediate | Bachelor |
Note: Visa, Accommodation & other all benefits will provide by company.
for Male / Female Salary is 4200 Zloty (PLN) there are total 15 Vacancies
Mechanic / Large Vehicle Maintenance
Job Location: Japan
Experience: 1 Years
Qualification: Middle | Matric
Note: Visa, Accommodation & other all benefits will provide by company.
for Male Salary is 175700 - 200000 Yen (JPY) there are total 2 Vacancies

Discover Your Perfect Job: We curate a select list of interviews taking place in Dubai and Abu Dhabi daily. Regularly visiting our site can significantly enhance your chances of securing your desired job. Whether you're a Doctor, Engineer, Plumber, or Driver, we provide comprehensive job information for all professions. You can also share this valuable information with your friends through the provided link.
Prepare for Success: Arrive for your interview on time and with all your credentials and documents in hand. We offer details about interview locations and timings to assist you. Repeated interviews not only offer valuable experience but also hone your interviewing skills. Interviewing is an art, and practice builds confidence. Many talented individuals struggle to express themselves effectively due to lack of experience. Through repeated interviews, you gain the confidence to showcase your value to potential employers.

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